After the horrible experience last week I have been thinking of a way to get my rep back up. I still sit by myself at lunch and get made fun of for running into Chris. I have made the executive decision to get a boyfriend. After 14 years of waiting I think it might be time. As I'm sure you all know I have amazing looks and am a stud of society; all people know my name. This makes it pretty easy for me to find an attractive lover with abs. I have decided to begin my search soon, but first I must make my preparations to make my appendices better, you know, more a appealing to the guys. I went to the spa to get my nails done, which was an adventure in itself. After that I went to get my hair cut, which I have never done before. Then, I went to buy a brush (for teeth and hair) and something called shampoo and conditioner. (whatever those are?) Anyways, I'm short on time and have to go beautify. I'll update later to fill you in on my game plan. :)
I knew it ! Im gonna miss youre greasy hair... xD