Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today we got out yearbooks! I was Ssssooooooooo Excited! :D on the order date we got an option to get extras; signature sheets, picture holders, plastic covers, icons with my name and sports on the front cover. I have been looking forward to this day since the beginning of my life. I wore safety green and my neon colored shorts, just that everybody can see me right away so they can sign my yearbook. I had been practicing my signature and hand righting for about three years. Suspense built as we walked down the hall to collect our yearbooks. Sadly, about halfway to the auditorium and I had to turn around to grab my special pen set. I was on my way back to the gym when I got stepped on by some Juniors who were in yearbook club and made the theme. Once we got to the gym it seemed like a tornado had run through. All of the yearbooks were gone and mine was nowhere in sight ! I was sssoooooooo scared. I spent about $150 on that freaking book! I finnaly found it in the boys bathroom under the decider between the third and fourth stall. I ran back into the signing room and asked all of the people in the gym if they wanted me to sign it. They all said yes and I singed my name. I wondered why it took them all so long to sign it. Then when I got mine back I noticed that they had all written about a paragraph in mine. At that moment I felt rreeeaaaallllyyyyyy bad. :/ the bell ran and everybody disappear to their next class. It looks like I'll have to bring it tomorrow...

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